Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
Psalm 25:5 says, "For you are the God of my salvation." 
Generally in the Old Testament, the term salvation concerns a physical deliverance or preservation. The major Hebrew word for salvation, -(yasha), carries the sense of help, deliver or save, and is used 250 times in the Bible. It carries the idea to remove a burden as God removed the children of Israel from under the burden of the Egyptian taskmasters, or to remove one from danger or defeat as we see in Joshua 19:6.  It is used in many of the Old Testament prayers and Psalms, but most are still tied to the physical needs of a man. But here in Psalm 25 David focused his request of God to the character of God. He said, 'remember, O Lord, your tender mercies and your loving kindnesses.' David was a man after God's own heart, he knew how to plead his case before God. David always brought God attention to his greatest need, the forgiveness of his sin. Even though David was a mighty man of God, David never forgot he was still a sinner in need of deliverance from the physical sins of life. 
At the beginning of this new year it might serve us well to remember that we are sinners trapped in this body of sin. Our only hope is to plead the blood of Christ over our sins. Il Corinthians 5:21 says it best, 'For He-(God)- made Him-(Jesus )-who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.' He bore our sins physically, which was the cross, that we might be delivered from a burden of which we could not bear for ourselves. He physically carried our sins to a place called Calvary. There, He physically endured the penalty of those sins which is physical death. Only to rise physically from the grave over them for us. In Psalm 25:11 David sums it up, he says, "For your name sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great." 
May we always live in the power of His forgiveness.

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