Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
1 Samuel 16:1-13 describes Samuel, one of the greatest prophets who ever lived. He was completely obedient unto the Lord. He's was so respected that when he came into the city of Bethlehem, he was asked a question by the elders, "Do you come in peace?" His leadership was so respected, they knew he was coming for one of two reasons. First, to come with a blessing from God, or second, a correction or curse. He was a man who had no fear to do either. He was called and placed in the hands of God to do God's will. He was not a man that feared man, but instead feared God.
Today, the urgent need we have in our nation, home, and school, is having men of God who are willing to take a stand for the Word of God. The fear to speak up is the same as the fear to stand up. Our homes are in total decay, our schools are in total decay, and our nation is in total decay. This is because the men of God have become people pleasers instead of God pleasers.
When Samuel entered Bethlehem, his answer was “yes,” he was there in peace. But, rest assured, if he had not been, the answer would have been “no.” If it were “no,” the people would have been told what they were doing wrong by God, through His prophet, and what needed to be done to correct it. He would not stop there, he would tell them the consequences of failing to correct what was wrong. Samuel would not have apologized for bringing the message, either.
An obedient, Godly leader doesn’t minimize the message and they never sugarcoat the outcome. The world needs more leaders like Samuel today. It's time to stop making excuses for what's wrong, and stop making excuses for God. He needs no help, God is quite secure in Who He is.
It's time to be secure in who we are in Christ.

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