Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day -
Job lost everything except his wife and his character. After losing everything he went immediately under scrutiny by everyone else. Not just a few words; they pitched camp and stayed for a while. Job listened to the opinions they had about his life, failure of his relationship with God, and who he was and wasn't. Job could not control most of what was happening. He was not a in mental, or physical state of being to do much about his situation. But there was one thing he could control, and that was his reaction. It's was a part of his godly character called self control. It's a fruit of the Spirit and it’s given by the Holy Spirit. It's can be found in those of leadership. Self control is displayed by way of faithfulness, humanity, wisdom, and self-respect. 
Job never gave into the pressure, nor did he give up on who he was in God. Did he do all things right or get all things right? Probably not. But he never gave over what he had worked hard to obtain: His character. 
Knowing who you are, being humble before God and with others, and having the faith that God is working things out will allow one to pass through anything with their godly character. 
Romans 8:28

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