July 29th, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day -
1 Corinthians 16:9, “For a great and effective door has opened for me.”
1 Corinthians 16:9, “For a great and effective door has opened for me.”
Here today and gone tomorrow. This is how I see some of the leadership we have today. So many leaders I know led their churches to build big buildings, and then go into deep debt. Then they’re gone. Oh, yes, of course, their leaving is always under the flag of “God called,” but scripture lays out a different idea of leadership. Effective leaders don't drift from place to place or from idea to idea, they have a purpose.
Paul's purpose within his lifetime was to reach Romans with the Gospel. After many years of labor, his purpose was finally opened up to him. In his wake, he did not leave a path of destruction or heavy burdens. Rather, a wake of victories and hope. He planted churches, built up leadership, preached the Gospel, encouraged, taught, lived, corrected, rebuked, loved, forgave, listened, and witnessed, but above all, he lead. He never lost his purpose. In all those areas he knew where he was headed. 1 Corinthians 16:9 also says, “And there are many adversaries.” He had enemies, and there were many more to come. Paul was faced with more than most, but he was always ready for the next one. Nowhere have I read that Paul's Gospel ever affected the leadership of the Romans, but it made an impact on the common man. At the end of his purpose, you will find a great leader preparing himself for his final moment, but still ministering the Gospel to anyone who would listen.
Effective leadership is always found leading in their purpose. Have you asked yourself, “what is my God-given purpose?”
Acts 28:30-31
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