July 22nd, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day-
Revelation 19: 14 says, "and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen, white and clean followed Him on white horses."
A friend of mine ask me about this verse a few weeks ago. His question was, 'does this mean everyone, all the saints, or just those of the tribulation period?'. Let's let scripture answer the question for us.
First, it says this army comes from heaven following Him. The Him is the Lord Jesus Christ, He is coming to lock up the old dragon, (Satan) for a thousand years. Not only Satan but all the false prophets. There will be a battle as never before, but Satan will lose as he always has. Then Revelations 19 :14 says, 'the army', not another army, but the only army in heaven. The saints who throughout the history of mankind, from Adam to this time in Revelation, those who have kept the faith, those who have been washed by the blood of the Lamb, those who have had their garments washed as white as snow, those dressed in white fine linen will follow Him. The key is clothed in fine linen.
In the Old Testament, when the high priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year, he took off his priestly garments and entered the Holy of Holies wearing only a white linen top with white linen trousers. There he would present himself before the Arc of Covenant (God) just as we will when we enter heaven. We will stand before the throne of God in our white linens. Also, remember in Matthew 25:31 Jesus said the angels would be with him on that day. Paul mentioned it again in ll Thess. 1:7-9.
Yes my friend, that verse means all, including you if you are saved by faith in the blood of the Lamb. We all will be there the day Satan is defeated. What a glorious day to look forward to!
Revelation 19:11-21
Revelation 19: 14 says, "and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen, white and clean followed Him on white horses."
A friend of mine ask me about this verse a few weeks ago. His question was, 'does this mean everyone, all the saints, or just those of the tribulation period?'. Let's let scripture answer the question for us.
First, it says this army comes from heaven following Him. The Him is the Lord Jesus Christ, He is coming to lock up the old dragon, (Satan) for a thousand years. Not only Satan but all the false prophets. There will be a battle as never before, but Satan will lose as he always has. Then Revelations 19 :14 says, 'the army', not another army, but the only army in heaven. The saints who throughout the history of mankind, from Adam to this time in Revelation, those who have kept the faith, those who have been washed by the blood of the Lamb, those who have had their garments washed as white as snow, those dressed in white fine linen will follow Him. The key is clothed in fine linen.
In the Old Testament, when the high priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year, he took off his priestly garments and entered the Holy of Holies wearing only a white linen top with white linen trousers. There he would present himself before the Arc of Covenant (God) just as we will when we enter heaven. We will stand before the throne of God in our white linens. Also, remember in Matthew 25:31 Jesus said the angels would be with him on that day. Paul mentioned it again in ll Thess. 1:7-9.
Yes my friend, that verse means all, including you if you are saved by faith in the blood of the Lamb. We all will be there the day Satan is defeated. What a glorious day to look forward to!
Revelation 19:11-21
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