Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day -
Isaiah was a noted prophet and leader. In Isaiah 43:1-7, you will find this great leader reminding the children of Israel that God loved them. In fact, this is the only place you can find where God openly says ‘I love you’ to the nation of Israel. Even though the book of Isaiah is full of warning after warning of what God said He would do if they did not return to Him, Isaiah continued to remind them of the love of God. The making of a great leader is not holding back truth, but declaring the truth from both sides- the bad and the good. So many times in our walk with Christ we forget the double-edged sword, the good and bad of God's word, and His promises. We cannot have the good unless we are made aware of the bad. The prophet Isaiah withheld nothing.
It would do us good today to remember the sword of God always has a double edge.

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