Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
Psalm 26:1 says, ‘For I have walked in my integrity.’
Now that's a word we just don’t hear these days: Integrity. It simply means to be upright in all your ways; to deal with others rightly, and at all costs. Integrity is not something that I have, it's something that I work towards, and labor at being; to be right in all my ways toward others. I carry integrity in my thoughts, the way I speak, and my actions. It means I go out of my way. It's going beyond the call of duty and making sure that all issues are settled honestly and honorably. Integrity is the shield of my character. It's a badge of my respectability. When integrity is seen by others, it says that I can be trusted in all matters and at all costs. I will do what is right. Integrity is not something I can put on and take off; it stays with me when I am seen and when I am by myself.
David said, ‘I have walked in my integrity.’ Integrity is like the salvation of one’s soul in that it is never too late to start working on it. Be upright in all your ways.
Start laying the foundation of integrity today. It’s the second greatest commandment: Mark 12:31, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

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