June 2nd, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day -
Close to the end of Jesus' ministry, He made a great claim. He said to His followers that they would do greater works than He. What works would those who follow Him do that could be greater than the works of the Master- the lame healed, eyes opened, and diseases cured? What works could anyone do greater than the Master, Himself?
Today the gospel message is broadcast around the world. Books of Godly encouragement are written by many. We hold a Bible in our hands that others chose to write. We see souls saved, lives changed, and marriages restored. The old and young are set free from the burden of sin. Churches are on every corner. Thousands stand and preach the Word of God every day. We see hardened hearts melted, bitterness washed away, and those that have been forgiven forgive others. Eyes are opened to hope, minds are freed by grace, and the lonely find family within a church body. Those that have been bound by drugs, alcohol, and prostitution are freed, no longer filled with regret and despair, and now filled with the spirit of peace. And so much more...
Greater works are all around us, one must just look and see.
John 14:12-14
Close to the end of Jesus' ministry, He made a great claim. He said to His followers that they would do greater works than He. What works would those who follow Him do that could be greater than the works of the Master- the lame healed, eyes opened, and diseases cured? What works could anyone do greater than the Master, Himself?
Today the gospel message is broadcast around the world. Books of Godly encouragement are written by many. We hold a Bible in our hands that others chose to write. We see souls saved, lives changed, and marriages restored. The old and young are set free from the burden of sin. Churches are on every corner. Thousands stand and preach the Word of God every day. We see hardened hearts melted, bitterness washed away, and those that have been forgiven forgive others. Eyes are opened to hope, minds are freed by grace, and the lonely find family within a church body. Those that have been bound by drugs, alcohol, and prostitution are freed, no longer filled with regret and despair, and now filled with the spirit of peace. And so much more...
Greater works are all around us, one must just look and see.
John 14:12-14
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