Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day -
I read about a minister who was very discouraged. He felt that his ministry had been a failure, and he was ready to give in to discouragement.
One morning, as he sat dejectedly by the window, he looked outside and noticed that a little bird had perched on the windowsill. The little bird seemed to look steadily at him and chirped what sounded like “Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!” The pastor thought about his seeming failure in the work God had given him to do. Was this little bird sending him a message? As he thought about it, his wife entered the room. When he told her what had happened, she went to the windowsill to listen. Again, the bird chirped what sounded like “Give it up! Give it up!” The pastor’s wife laughed, then turned to her husband and said with a smile, “Why, that bird’s not saying, ‘Give it up!’, it’s saying, ‘Keep it up! Keep it up!’”
Sometimes, as we serve the Lord, in whatever capacity it may be, we may face the temptation to “Give it up.” But remember this: Jesus has never given up on us. So, let’s take a fresh hold on God today, and rather than “Give it up,” let’s be determined to “KEEP IT UP.”
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:9

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