May 25th, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day-
Colossians 2:6 says, ‘As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.’
Christian growth does not ‘just’ happen. You don't just wake up one day and are a mature Christian, just as you are not born one day and the next you are a full grown adult. Christian growth comes in different stages and takes time and effort. First, we must know growth is expected by God. He expects us to grow what we have been given. Hebrews 12:2 says, ‘Jesus is the author…of our faith.’ This means He is the One who gives what we have and we are to take it and grow what we are given. If our child is born and does not grow properly we take that child to a doctor to find out what's wrong. We should do the same with our faith. Second, God provides the necessary nourishment for growing what we are given. God has given us His church, His Bible, and His Spirit in which to grow our faith. To leave out any one of the three is to be malnourished. Today, we see children starving around the world because of a lack of balanced meals. We also see Christians starving to death because of the same principle.
Verse 7 of Colossians 2 says, ‘Rooted and built up in Him.’ To be in Christ is one thing, but to have your roots in Christ that you might be built up, is another thing.
Colossians 2:6 says, ‘As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.’ When a child is malnourished, the first thing that happens is the inability to walk, and the second is the inability to stand. Death soon follows if something is not done quickly.
Growing what I have been given is not someone else’s duty, it's mine.
Many times throughout scripture the word ‘table’ is used. There is a reason why: The reason is to eat and partake of the goodness of God so that we might grow up well-nourished and walk as He walked with strength so that we might not stumble.
Colossians 2:1-10
Colossians 2:6 says, ‘As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.’
Christian growth does not ‘just’ happen. You don't just wake up one day and are a mature Christian, just as you are not born one day and the next you are a full grown adult. Christian growth comes in different stages and takes time and effort. First, we must know growth is expected by God. He expects us to grow what we have been given. Hebrews 12:2 says, ‘Jesus is the author…of our faith.’ This means He is the One who gives what we have and we are to take it and grow what we are given. If our child is born and does not grow properly we take that child to a doctor to find out what's wrong. We should do the same with our faith. Second, God provides the necessary nourishment for growing what we are given. God has given us His church, His Bible, and His Spirit in which to grow our faith. To leave out any one of the three is to be malnourished. Today, we see children starving around the world because of a lack of balanced meals. We also see Christians starving to death because of the same principle.
Verse 7 of Colossians 2 says, ‘Rooted and built up in Him.’ To be in Christ is one thing, but to have your roots in Christ that you might be built up, is another thing.
Colossians 2:6 says, ‘As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.’ When a child is malnourished, the first thing that happens is the inability to walk, and the second is the inability to stand. Death soon follows if something is not done quickly.
Growing what I have been given is not someone else’s duty, it's mine.
Many times throughout scripture the word ‘table’ is used. There is a reason why: The reason is to eat and partake of the goodness of God so that we might grow up well-nourished and walk as He walked with strength so that we might not stumble.
Colossians 2:1-10
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