May 23rd, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day-
In the first three chapters of Revelation, you will find a common statement to all seven churches, and it says, ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
In the first three chapters of Revelation, you will find a common statement to all seven churches, and it says, ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
Having an ear means an open heart. God speaks to his own through the Holy Spirit, into the hearts’ of the believers. Not to the physical ear, but to the heart, ‘the inner ear,’ so to speak. The three middle letters of heart spell ‘ear.’ Our heart is the ear we have for God.
When I cannot hear what God is saying there are two reasons why: First, I have regarded iniquity within my heart, Psalm 66:18. This means I have tried to hide or justify a sin I was a part of. Second, I have quenched what the Spirit is saying, 1 Thessalonians 5:19. This means to disobey what I have heard the Spirit say or what to do. I heard it but refused to do what he said to do. To disobey the Spirit of God is rebellion, and is even considered the sin of witchcraft according to 1 Samuel 15:23.
Jesus told the church to repent. Repentance is the only cure for sin or rebellion. How do I know if I have either sin and/or rebellion in my life? Ask a simple question: When was the last time I heard the Spirit of God? If you heard from God, ask a second simple question: Did I do what He said to do? Not to hear means He's not speaking. To say I hear and continue in sin or rebellion is to say scripture lies. Either way, I am in serious trouble.
Try true repentance. It will cure what ails you.
Romans 8:27
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