Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
Paul was the founder of the Corinthian church, which he loved very much. He was grieved to hear that it was having trouble. But, being the man and the leader he was, he did not ignore, nor condemn the young church. He did what any good leader would do; he rolled up his sleeves and got involved.
At the time all he could do was write a letter, but he got involved. The church was divided. Paul took that division and taught diversity. He condemned no gift, as we see today. Instead, he taught how those gifts were to operate within the body of Christ. Remember, at the time, the gifts were something new to all, including Paul. He spent time in prayer, fasting, and meditation to know the will of the Father. He sat down and penned what is known today as the gifts of the Spirit. He wrote about what they are, how they work, and who might and might not have them. He did not go into a commentary, seek advice from others, or dream up these gifts. He did not send the letter to appease, condemn or try to keep everyone happy. No! He wrote the truth with direction. He gave application and encouragement with understanding. He rightly divided the Word of God. To change division into diversity was led by the Spirit to empower, not destroy. To say that any gift is wrong is to question any of the writings of Paul.
Study and show yourself approved to know the power of God, to not doubt any of what God can do, and wants to do. Be willing to be used as a leader to bring in the will of God. Paul did one thing: He was used by God to see the will of God.
From there read 1 Corinthians 12:13-14.
Why is there division? Because we would rather have division than diversity. With division we can control, with diversity we are free.
Jesus said I came to set you free.
John 8:32-36

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