Word for the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
By the time you reach Exodus, chapter 18, Moses had been used by God Almighty. The ten gods of Egypt had been stricken down, then he and the Israelites left Egypt, and crossed the Red Sea. They received bread from heaven, saw water gush from a rock, and defeated the Amalekites. 
Moses found himself where many leaders find themselves every week. He found himself exhausted. When God uses a man and moves through that man, by the Spirit of God, there is a certain amount of energy that is taken from that person. Moses had been used by God and it had taken its toll. In Exodus 18:18, Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law gave this mighty man-of-God some great advice: ‘Both you and these people who are with you will surely wear yourselves out.’ This comment was directed more at Moses than anyone else. Jethro knew that Moses could not keep up the pace, and he knew that the people needed Moses’ leadership. 
Leaders must recognize the need for others, the need for help, and the need to expand. A good leader builds a good working framework from which the structure can stand. It takes time, effort, sacrifice, patience, and endurance to build a good frame. No building is greater than two things: First, its foundation, and second, its framework. Get those two things right and what you build will last a long time. Moses needed that advice. But more importantly, Moses used that advice. Who you are, what you become, and what you achieve will depend more on who you surround yourself with than anything else. 
Great ministries are built by great men whose only care is that God gets the glory. 
Exodus 18:1-27

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