April 21st, 2022
by Jon Cochran
by Jon Cochran
Good morning with a word for the day-
Isaiah 55 has two great quotes we as Christians use all the time. Isaiah 55:8 says, ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts,’ and Isaiah 55:11 is the other one and it says, ‘My word...It shall not return to Me void.’ But, Isaiah 55:6 is one we do not hear quoted very much. It says, ‘Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.’ WOW!
Isaiah 55 has two great quotes we as Christians use all the time. Isaiah 55:8 says, ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts,’ and Isaiah 55:11 is the other one and it says, ‘My word...It shall not return to Me void.’ But, Isaiah 55:6 is one we do not hear quoted very much. It says, ‘Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.’ WOW!
Over the years I have spoken to many who thought they had gotten themselves so far away from God that they could not be saved or forgiven of their sins. Is there a place where God can't be found? The answer to that is ‘No.’ Is there a person that cannot be saved? Again the answer is ‘No.’ We may think so, but God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways. Will there be, and are there now many who will perish without knowing the love and mercy of a living God? The answer to that question is ‘Yes.’ We forget the power of our own spoken words. Romans 10:8 says, ‘But what does it say? The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, (that is, the word of faith which we preach).’ The key to understanding Isaiah 55:6 is the latter part which says, ‘Call upon Him while He is near.’ God can always be found. We cannot hide from Him, nor is there a place that can be found where He is not there. We can not escape His watchful eyes. There is not a heart that is so hardened that He can't penetrate and there is not a sin that He can't forgive, if the mouth can utter just a few words. As long as the mouth can speak, God can be found. Romans 10:8 says, ‘The word is near you.’ Again, we see Isaiah 55 come to life, ‘My word...It shall not return to Me void. You might ask, ‘what is the word that I must speak to find God?’ It's the only word that heaven will hear and recognize. That word would be the name of JESUS.
What few words must we speak to be found by God: ‘Lord forgive me of my sins I need your Son Jesus in my heart.’
Those few words will not return void. They will find God's heart every time.
Call upon the Lord. He can always be found.
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