Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
So what does being a Christian mean? Is it about the cross? Yes. Is it about the person Jesus Christ? Yes. Is it about the resurrection. Yes. Is it about the forgiveness of your sins? Yes. And is it about eternal life in heaven with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, that will be yes also. Any and all of those things are what is known as a Christian faith. 
We as Christian believe in those things and much more. And it's all by faith. But the book of Romans 1:5 tells another story. It gives us another answer to what a Christian is or should be and believe in. Verse 5 says, 'through Him, (faith in Jesus Christ) we have received Grace to (something we did not and could not earn), and apostleship, (the calling of God).' Then Paul wraps up what a Christian is to be, is, and do everyday of their life to the understanding we have of God's Will at that moment. But also, always studying God's word, to improve our daily christian walk. He says, 'for obedience to the faith.' The word of God tells all Christian, no matter who they are or where they are, how to live a Christian life that will be well pleasing unto God the Father. The key to pleasing God is not just saying I am a Christian, but allowing the word of God to rule in every aspect of my life. Do I have it all together? No. But in obedience to my faith in God, I study God's word, and I am working out my faith, while I am living my faith in obedience to what I know and understand today. 
The Hebrew writer said in Hebrews 5:8, 'though He was a son, yet He learned obedience, by the things which He suffered.' If the son of God had to learn how to please His Father, then we, as sons and daughters of a living God, must also learn how to please the Father. 
My Christian faith is to the cross, to the person, to the resurrection, to the forgiveness of my sins by His shed blood. Yes, yes yes, but without obedience to God's Holy Word then all those things will mean nothing. 
Philippines 2:12-13

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