Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
As you look around today, you may get (or may already be) confused about Christianity: What it is, what it means, and why so many say so many different things and seem to live out so many different versions of a relationship with Christ Jesus. It leaves you with more questions than answers.
Maybe you have just asked the Lord Jesus Christ into your life, or you are thinking about doing so. Perhaps you have been saved, but are not sure about your relationship and you’re seeking answers for a deeper understanding of that relationship. There is only one way. Study God’s Word.
Forget what ‘others’ are saying and what they are doing. Your relationship with Christ Jesus should never be anything but what God's Word says it should be. Your relationship will never be deeper than your deepest understanding of the Word of God at the time, where you are at the time, and who you are at the time. This is the very reason The King James Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15, ‘Study and shew thyself approved.’ The New King James says it this way, ‘Be diligent to present yourself approved.’ You will never be any closer in your relationship with God than your desire to know what God’s Word says about life and how to be well-pleasing to God in your life. To know the status of your relationship with God is to know what God’s Word says about your relationship and your responsibility toward that relationship. His Word also explains His responsibility in your relationship with Him. Getting to know God for the first time, or to grow deeper in what you have already all starts and develops by studying God’s Holy Word.
2 Timothy 2:15 goes on to say, ‘A worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ God's Word never leaves a person in a shameful life. Nor does the Word of God leave a person to continue living a shameful life before a living God.
God leads everyone into a relationship with Him through His Holy Word.
2 Timothy 2:15

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