Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
As we look at the book of Jonah we find the second ‘R,’ which would be for Repentance.
We all know about the city of Nineveh, and how Jonah walked through the streets preaching to this great city declaring the upcoming destruction if they did not repent. But before Jonah preached to this great city, repentance already had its great work. The men on the ship repented for their worship of other gods. Jonah repented for his rebellion, then the city and even the king repented for their sin of worshiping other gods. In all three cases, God forgave and did not destroy the ship and its crew, the city and all who lived there, or even Jonah.
Repentance is a powerful thing in the eyes of God. He stands ready and willing to change the direction of history when men repent. It still stands today as the most acceptable thing God desires from mankind. It will change your life, destiny, and the life of others. It is so powerful that it will even change God's heart. All God asks is repentance. Jesus said, ‘ Unless you repent you will all likewise perish.’
True repentance is a life-changing event when it's from the heart of a sinner in need of hope.
Jonah 3:1-9

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