Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day -
There are three simple "R's" to understand the book of Jonah. I will give them to you for the next three days. The first R will stand for rebellion.
Jonah was in total rebellion. In the very first three verses we see God's heart for wicked people. He did not wish to destroy the city of Nineveh. God loved those people and He wanted the best for them. So as God does so many times, He wanted someone to go and preach the Word of God to them. There is power in the preaching of God's word. Romans 9:17 says 'For this very reason I have raised you up.' God spoke to Pharaoh through Moses. God knew who Pharaoh was, but God used a man named Moses, a stuttering murdering coward, to speak God's Word through to deliver His people. God was about to use a rebellious man named Jonah to do the same thing again.
Too many times we think that our lives must be squishy clean for God to use us. No, all God needs is an open mouth. The mouth does not even have to be willing, just open. As Jonah proved, if God can speak through a donkey in Numbers, surely God can use you. So many times we count ourselves out and unworthy to tell others about the Lord, when really it's not about you anyway. It's about what God wants to say through your open mouth.
Romans 10:8 says 'the word is near you, in your mouth.' Even though this is talking about personal salvation it still carries the same power. If you confess the Lord Jesus from your heart through your mouth, you will be saved. But also if you confess the salvation of God to others through your mouth, they may be saved also. There is power in the spoken Word of God. And it does not matter if it comes from a donkey, a stuttering murderer, or a redellious Jonah. 
Unless they are told, how shall they be saved? Tell someone about Jesus today. Romans 10:14- 21

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