Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
If there is one lesson we should learn from Matthew 4:1-11, it should be: Stand firm.
In His time of testing and trials, Jesus gave us many great lessons such as: The power of God's spoken word, the durability of the human will to live, and many more. But as I read this morning what struck me was the determination to stand firm. The Bible speaks of standing in many forms: Stand still, stand against, and stand up, just to mention a few.
Jesus stood firm. He could not be persuaded, influenced, or tempted to forsake His walk, His relationship, or who He was for something that did not matter or for something temporal. Paramount was His relationship with the Father, who He had been called to be, what He was to become, what He had to do, and what He had committed Himself to do. These were the most important things to Him. He was not standing firm for where He was, but yet where He was going. Not for what was happening, but yet for what was going to happen. Not for who He was, but yet who the Father knew He was! He did not stand for evil, He stood for what was righteous and good. His decision to reject what was being offered was not for His benefit but was instead for the benefit of others. He did not put the devil in his place, He kept Himself in His place. He did not defeat the devil, He just resisted the devil's temptations. He did not listen to the devil's lies, He rebuked him with the written Word of truth. He did not give in, He stood firm.
The Bible says in Matthew 4:11, ‘Then the devil left Him.’ The devil will never leave you alone as long as he sees you unstable in your ways. The key to winning the fight against the devil is as simple as standing firm in who you are in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 4:14 says, ‘That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth In love.’
Jesus simply stood firm.

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