Word of the Day

Good morning with a word for the day-
Have you ever wondered why Peter didn't have a book in the Gospel? I have.
Here is this man to whom Jesus said, ‘You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,’ Matthew 16:18. How could it be that in verse 23, to this same Peter, Jesus said, ‘Get thee behind Me, Satan?’ Could it be that Peter was just an appointed man for an appointed place in time?
If you read the two books Peter wrote, you will find a man writing with fervent passion and convictions. It's not the location of his books but the depth of the two books. In the first book, in just the first two verses, Peter mentions the elect of God, the foreknowledge of God, sanctification, Holy Spirit, obedience, and the blood of Jesus. He left nothing untouched. By the end of the next two verses, he has blessed God's name, told of the mercy of God, and the living hope of salvation by faith in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the promise of the inheritance of eternal life kept by the power of God, never to be taken away. It's as if Peter never forgot where he came from and who he was before he was filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2.  
If we would open our day in prayer with such a passion and conviction to leave no stone untouched, I think we would have a greater day; sometimes better than we do now. I, myself, forget to bless God’s name, take time to praise Him for His blessings, and give Him thanks for such a wonderful salvation that cost me nothing.
Peter wrote differently because he was different. His message was not to reminisce stories, but instead, convey his convictions and gratitude.
Leave no stone untouched today. Give God the gratitude He deserves.
2 Peter 1:1-25

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